This article presents a short guide on how men can have orgasms without ejaculating. This is not an in-depth explanation but more of a quick guide and checklist on how to start.

For more information on the technique for men of how to have an orgasm without ejaculating, you can check out these books by Mantak Chia:

How to Have an Orgasm Without Ejaculating

Step 1: Take Control Over Your PC Muscle

PC Muscle Control

This is not a detailed anatomical explanation, but only gives you the information that you need to start out. For more information, you can read an anatomy book.

Somewhere in your lower hip is a muscle called the pubococcygeus muscle. I will be referring to this muscle as the PC muscle.

You can locate it by pressing between your balls and your anus and try to flex the muscle groups there. It is the one muscle that is hard and slightly bulging outwards.

This muscle is able to hold back the ejaculation and makes sure that no ejaculate is going to shoot out when you orgasm.

The technique on how to have an orgasm without ejaculating is not as simple as just flexing the PC muscle but flexing this muscle is a very essential part and you will struggle to have any success without training this muscle.

Training the PC Muscle

In order to learn how to have an orgasm without ejaculating, you have to make this muscle your best friend. And the best way to train this muscle is to flex and hold it.

It takes some practice to flex and use this muscle, but it is the same muscle that you’re using when you stop peeing midway. It is also the same muscle that you use when you already have an erection and you’re trying to make your hard penis bounce upwards.

There is a famous set of exercises called Kegel exercises. These are also used to train this muscle.

Some even advocate using weights to train this muscle but I have not experimented with that and likely never will.

Some people say that, when you go peeing, you can just start and stop peeing 50 times to train your PC muscle. Personally, I don’t do this but it is still a valid technique for you to try.

My favorite way to train this muscle is simply to flex it all the time. I flex the PC muscle when I lie bad. I flex it when I’m working. I’m flexing it when I’m walking around outside and I’m flexing it when I go running or exercise. I really make the PC muscle my best friend. It’s the first thing I say hello to in the morning and the last thing I say goodnight to when I go to sleep.

I don’t flex the PC muscle in short intervals but I just flex and hold it for as long as I can.

This muscle is not like a bicep that you can train and it will just keep growing. It is a very moody and sensitive muscle. If your tummy feels heavy, your PC muscle might become very soft and weak. The same is true when you’re tired and exhausted. You can always do pushups with predictable results but your PC muscle might refuse at times if you are not paying attention to it.

This is why my favorite way of training the PC muscle is to just hold it all the time and try to always have it in the back of my mind.

Another benefit of doing that is that you’re always in a bit of a meditative and grounded state. You just become more focused on whatever you do. When you walk around while flexing your PC muscle, you’re more grounded. When you work while flexing your PC muscle, you’re more focused.

Flexing the PC muscle doesn’t take much effort because it is a pretty small muscle.

Just try to maximize flexing and holding your PC muscle for as much and long as possible throughout the day, every day.

Step 2: Identify the Difference Between Orgasm and Ejaculation

Orgasm vs Ejaculation: What Goes Around, Cums Around

For men, there’s a difference between an orgasm and an ejaculation. They are often used synonymously, but they are not the same. The ejaculation refers to sperm being shot out of your penis. The orgasm describes the feeling around your penis (that very good sensation) that you’re getting as you are reaching your climax. It is usually the reason you want to masturbate or have sex in the first place. It is the payoff.

Interestingly, the word ‘cum’ usually refers to both the orgasm and the ejaculation at the same time. This tells you a lot about how far our society has removed itself from this essential technique that every man should know about.

The best way to separate the orgasm from the ejaculation is to masturbate and always stop right before the orgasm. We all know the point of no return when it is too late so you stop right before that. Really investigate this. The orgasm is entirely different from the ejaculation.

In the beginning, you can ejaculate. But as you ejaculate, observe the difference. You usually enter the orgasm first and are in zero gravity among clouds of pleasure but the ejaculation is not there yet. It usually is quite delayed. Try to experiment.

Observe the ejaculation. Try to delay it more. Try to flex your PC muscle. Try to use your mind and imagination to move the energy back.

This phase is all about experimentation. Have fun with it. Just observe.

Doing it Right

The technique itself is very simple but the details can make it complicated.

You simply masturbate until you reach the orgasm. You completely relax your entire body, PC muscle and other muscles as you enter the orgasm. You spend a few moments within the orgasm but you stop masturbating or stimulating your penis in any way. Then you mentally redirect the energy from your penis back into your hip and flex the PC muscle. The idea is to have the pleasure you feel in the penis moved behind the PC muscle so that the PC muscle acts as a barrier.

You keep holding the PC muscle and allow the energy to move backward up your spine into your brain so that it is not stuck in your hip with nowhere to go. You let it sit in your brain for a bit and then move it down your front side into your navel.

If you do the technique correctly, the energy will often shoot up your spine into your brain by itself. You will be surprised by how your spine suddenly erects and you raise your arms instinctively while moving your head.

Step 3: Focus on Energy Over Pleasure

A very important part of this tantric technique is to merge pleasure with meditation. If you are simply masturbating and then hope that it’s going to work at the last minute, then you’re probably going to fail. Getting to the orgasm should not only be about pleasure but already be a journey of preparation.

Your goal is to redirect the energy that would usually shoot out of your penis in the form of ejaculation and to circle it backward into your lower hip, into your back and up your spine. You then move it into your brain and gradually down the front of your body into your navel.

The physiological reason as to why this works, I cannot explain. All I can explain is the sensation and the energetic feeling.

The tantric technique of how to have an orgasm without ejaculating for men unlocks a new type of energy. The reason I’m describing it that way is because when you normally ejaculate, you do not feel that energy even though it must be there as well. It is almost like your ejaculate contains sperm and also a nice gift of energy that you are unable to feel because you just shoot it out. But maybe it has a purpose when shot inside a woman’s body. Who knows why nature designed it that way.

By doing the Tantric technique, you are able to split the sperm from the energy. You safely keep the sperm in your testicles while you can extract the energy and move it backward up your spine into your brain. That is the essence of what you’re doing in the technique.

What exactly is that energy? I don’t know if it is something physical or just some nerve sensations. All I know is that it is there and that it is real. It is not created by the technique. It is just revealed by it.

As you are getting to the orgasm, you are consistently flexing and relaxing the PC muscle. You are focusing on redirecting energy from your penis back down into your pelvis and to your back, up the spine into your brain. You’re constantly focusing on this energy pathway that is moving backward up your spine.

It should feel like you’re sucking the energy out of your penis, back into your pelvis and up your spine into your brain. But this is only preparation for the orgasm. If you focus on energy too much and suck all of the energy out of your penis then you will lose the erection. Balance energy and pleasure but favor energy more since you will need it during the orgasm.

Pleasure will get you to the orgasm, but you will need to understand this energy pathway deeply in order to move away from the pleasure at the end of the technique. You have to focus on the energy more than on the pleasure.

Step 4: Body Posture and Setting Yourself Up For Success

You can do this technique in any position but I recommend choosing a position that you’re familiar with and where you can flex your PC muscle freely while also having an erect spine.

My favorite position is the half-lotus and I usually sit on a yoga block or meditation cushion. This is my standard meditation position as well and I think that it is ideal for flexing the PC muscle. It is also easy to masturbate in that position.

But you can also lie on your back on a bed depending on your preference.

If you’re having sex, you can be on top and hold yourself in a half-pushup position while resting on your knees.

It doesn’t really matter. My recommendation is simply to make sure that your spine is erect and that you can flex your PC muscle freely.

You should also make sure that you can stop the stimulation of the penis at any time. If you are alone, you can just stop masturbating. If you’re having sex, then you have to make sure that you’re in a position where you can disengage the other person, either by pulling out, pushing her off or by quickly guiding her hand or mouth away from you.

Step 5: Circulation and Meditation

Treat the tantra technique of how to have an orgasm without ejaculation like a meditation. You will have to navigate energy a lot and you will need a clear mind. You must also become intuitive when it comes to circulating your energy up your spine and down into your navel.

If you feel like you are unable to work with this energy, take up mindfulness meditation or a similar practice.

Meditation will also help you to let go of any distractions when starting the technique. It will likewise help you to let go of pleasure and avoid ejaculation after you have entered the orgasm.

Failure of the technique leading to an accidental ejaculation is often rather caused by a weak mindset than physical incompetence so your mind is your most useful asset next to the PC muscle.

Step 6: How to Know if it Worked

The simple way to know that it worked is if you have entered the point of no return during the orgasm (i.e. oh no, I will definitely ejaculate) and did the technique just to realize that nothing came out but you noticed a strong energy sensation moving into your brain.

How you know it worked

When it didn’t work


You must also consider that even long before the orgasm, there will be pre-cum coming out of your penis. This is normal and usually just amounts to very small drops. You will be able to tell the difference between pre-cum and sperm very quickly since precum is tiny and colorless while the full ejaculation is often white and more voluminous.

When and How to Practise

PC muscle: I recommend trying to flex it every day as much as you can. Make it a habit.

Orgasm without ejaculating, aka masturbation: You can do it once in the morning and once in the evening. Doing it once per day is fine, too. Doing it less often is fine as well but your progress will likely be very slow.

Why to Have an Orgasm Without Ejaculating

There are many reasons why men should learn this technique, but here is a short summary:

Nuances of the Technique

If you start out using this technique to have an orgasm without ejaculating, then there’s going to be a lot of things to pay attention to. The problem is that this technique is intense and the more you have to keep in mind, the less successful you’re going to be. This technique needs to be done in an intuitive way. If you jump out of an airplane with a parachute on then you should only have a very simple checklist in your brain and not 100 different things to think about.

Even though this article contains a lot of different instructions, whenever I do the technique, I actually tell myself to be intuitive and to just wing it. The reason for that is simple: I understand all of the nuances theoretically. I understand what I should do but I will have to discover what exactly I need to adjust today.

You might think about a list of 50 different things but in reality, there’s only one thing that you’re currently lacking and should focus on. But to know what that one thing is means that you have to let go of the list and observe what is.

Internalize the list, but then let it go and be intuitive.

Just wing it.


These troubleshooting notes are designed to help those who struggle with the technique. Do not aim to follow all of the suggestions since some can be contradictory. There are many different ways to execute the technique so find what works best for you.


Do not worry if it didn’t work. If you do the technique frequently and you push the envelope by going deep then you will fail every once in a while. It can even be quite frequent. Playing it safe will not get you anywhere so be bold.

You can do the technique once a week and tell everyone how insane your sensations are but, if you never go deep into an orgasm, then you do not really grow. You’re fooling no one but yourself.

Be an explorer and go deep. Be happy to fail sometimes. With every failure you’re going to learn new things. It can be about the technique or it can be about yourself and your own motivations.

Getting Hard

Getting hard on command is not that easy for many men. There can be mental barriers if you’re preoccupied with work or any other topics. But there are also physical barriers if you’re just not eating right, not sleeping right or not doing any exercise.

All your body needs to do is to readily pump a lot of blood into your penis. If your body is struggling for whatever reason, it’s not going to be able to do that. Think about the following: